So, tomorrow Sept. 6 is my birthday! I've decided I'm holding at age 29 for now & we'll see how it works out ;) OK... yes.... I've been holding there for a few years now, but no one has noticed yet, so what's the difference?!
Anyway... I thought I'd have a few fun sales to celebrate my special day. I'll have a different sale at each of my 2 stores ~ so I'll explain...
At Scrapbook-Elements ~ The deal is this: buy any of my SBE kits on Sept. 6, e-mail me your receipt on Sept. 6 & I'll let you have your choice of any of my alpha sets (shown in this post) at SBE! Buy more than one kit? Shoot, I'll give ya more than 1 alpha set!
At Digital Freebies ~ The deal is this: everything in my DF store is 29% ('cause that's my story & I'm sticking to it!!) off for Sept. 6 only.
And be sure you come back on Sept. 6, because I have some birthday freebies I'll share before the day is done :)