Sunday, July 23, 2006

In the beginning....

Well, here we go... my very own blog! Just trying to get situated right now, because there are lots of changes going on behind the scenes. As you may know, I'm leaving Scrapbookers Playground effective 7/31/06. I will continue to sell my designs at Digital Freebies, but I will also begin selling at Scrapbook-Elements in August. Each store will have exclusive designs. I am really excited about these changes!!

I've got several new kits to be released soon, too & I'll get previews posted here ASAP. And for those who might be interested.... there's a blog freebie below to get us started. It's a pretty Quick Page I created with my
Wrapped In Ribbons kits (they are on sale through 7/31/06 ~ previews are also below). I hope you enjoy the QP!

Be sure you check back often for new product announcements, sales information and more freebies!!

Grab the freebie here for a limited time :)
Special thanks to Atomic Cupcake.